Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week of Sept. 28th - Oct. 4th

I gave two presentations on Wed. Sept. 28th to Ms. Singlton's advanced nutrition classes. Erica accompanied me and was a great asset especially when the students started asking particular questions involving nutrition and specifics about the farmer co-ops. The first class was very receptive, but the second class was a totally different experience than I was used to. They were very cynical, and did not really react the way I expected (and had seen through other presentations). Hopefully the message got through, but Erica can back me up that they were just very serious and were not very receptive.

On Thursday afternoon I emailed a few different people about scheduling for presentations. First, I emailed Jim Winter about his theatre classes and he responded, so I am now trying to work them into my schedule (will probably do that tomorrow in the office). Next, I emailed Megan Wiggins about trying to speak to Phi Mu sorority about garnering their support for the RFC and our quest for local farmer contracts. I have not heard back from her yet, so Dr. Burley will be speaking with her in his class about what we can do from here (I was looking forward to finally being able to speak to a sorority!). I also contacted a student named Meghan Heitmeier who wanted me to speak to her sorority (Alpha Sigma Tau). She responded by saying that the presentation would be difficult since their meetings are very pressed for time. So we agreed that she would present the information to her sorority. I sent her an electronic copy of the petition, fliers, and my presentation outline (with key concepts in bold) so she at least had some material to present and didn't have to go on pure memory. I also dropped off our informational cards to pass out. Erica handled email Tim Chauvin about the history classes, and got me another two presentations for biology classes.

Monday, I had Dynnishea Jones (from Dr. Naquin's environmental health class) stop by my office and get some informational cards to pass out for the presentation she was giving regarding our work with the RFC. I had sent her the other information prior to this meeting. Also, on Monday I was able to speak to the Black Student Union about trying to get their support. They seemed interested, but the president and I will discuss what action they should take next as an organization.

Lastly, Tuesday I gave two presentations to Dr. Rolling's FCS classes. Again they were somewhat receptive (Dr. Rolling was extremely receptive), but some of the students had heard my speech before and were turned off to listening to it again (my Joe Dirt joke didn't get the same reaction the second time).


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