Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week of October 12 - October 18

So this week went buy really fast...

I have emailed teachers back that hadn't responded to me about class presentations still no feedback. I received an email from Tim Chauvin (history department) and he has five classes. Tim is going to be able to go to two of his classes tomorrow (Wed. 20th). I updated the spreadsheet for Tim he is booked this week but I am not scheduling him any for next week.

I talked with Sole' and gave her all the corrections and the correct order for the brochure. She has worked so hard on it I think it will be really great! **Just a reminder. Instead of going with the yellow screen printed shirts...we are all just going to wear a green shirt.

I am going to write thank you cards for all things donated to us: All things that are donated should be written down along with where it is donated from and who to address about it. It will run more smoothly if the name, and items who I should be addressing are together in one place.

I said I would go ask a daycare about getting their large vegetable cans so they can be use with the colored beans. I stopped by a daycare to ask for their cans but they had already thrown out their garbage. So if there is anyone that has other suggestions...

I finally was able to get in touch with Colynne the chef/general manager of Organic Inspirations. She said that they would be there on Monday from 10-2 (she said a little before 10 for set up). I told her what she needed to bring and what we would provide and she was fine with it all. She said she would bring some bison and I reminded her that she could as long as it was college friendly prices and she said that wasn't a problem. She also is going to bring flyers and such for the restaurant for promotion. She sounds really excited about it so I think it will work out well.

Wednesday I finished hanging up posters in White Hall, Biology Building, Mead Hall, Science Building Annex, and Pursly Hall. I am out of posters (and never had any flyers) but if anyone has some I will find places to hang them (library, sac, student union).

Logistics: 1.) Are tables something the school is providing or do they farmers and chefs having to bring their own? 2.) Have we secured a place to hold the produce? And if so what is the cut off time to pick that produce up? Who is going to be available to sit there until that cut off time?

My Role: I am not sure what I want to do for the farmers market. However, what I do know is that I have to be there from 10-2, since someone with the university's food training has to be there the entire time. So I will be there.


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