Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This week

Sorry all. I was under the weather yesterday and not functional.

I finished up the pamphlet and ordered 300 copies from Tommy at Xpress. Went to the Reconnect meeting last night. I was kinda loopy, but Bonnie said I reminded everyone to wear green shirts and I showed them the pamphlet and the signs.

While I was there I ran into Eric Johnson, the library director. He is very excited about the farmers market, but had the date and times messed up. His staff is putting up one of our big signs behind the glass where the back of the elevators are. He also asked me to forward him a flier so he would have the dates/times right. Also said he is going to forward it to his entire staff (that is a lot of people).

Asked about getting bags from Best Buy. Was told that the organization requesting the bags has to fill out a C503I (not 100% on that) to show that the org is not going to resell them for profit.

I am willing to do whatever for Monday. Know I will meet everyone at 9am to set up. After that I can talk about the project to interested parties, help man a table, or whatever.


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