Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Small groups- Great idea

By reading the previous posts, I agree with Chris that breaking up into small groups is a great idea (although doing one presentation is fine as well). Yes, we can start with the Rocko video (wonder if the kids know who he is!!!) and then break out into groups at that point. That way everyone can explain the specific boards or visuals they created for the class. I will print visuals for gardens to bring with me (flower/vegetable gardens, shrubs, benches, etc). Even if we spend a few minutes at each table, we'd still have time left for Q&A. We can set our tables up in a circle around the classroom for the students to easily navigate to each.

If you all prefer to hand all presenting over to Chris and myself, we can always gather your visuals and go through the list of ideas as a duo to the class.

Looking forward to it!


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