Monday, February 8, 2010

first focus group meeting Feb. 5

Our (Jamie and I) students were talkers, but Jamie did a good job of transitioning into questions before time was up for drawing. They were talking more than drawing. Some continued to draw while talking while others drew little and mostly talked. Favorite places mentioned were mostly built such as the movies, a stadium, malls, Kingdom Hall (church - the student liked how decorative it is), school, McDonald's. However, horses and California were also mentioned as favorite places. The student who said CA said that he liked it because it was huge and had big buildings and big places. When asked what their favorite things to do outside were they said sports, soccer, run around and chill, walking, riding bikes., hanging with boy friend/best friends. One student also liked signs and drew a lot of signs. And the student who like school liked a particular teacher's class where science and social studies are taught. One more focus group session is in order but this was a good start.


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