Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Idea for presenting Rain Barrels

Chris, the Spongebob video is awesome and think that the students will enjoy it. I was unable to find any kid- friendly videos on rain barrels. I was thinking it would be neat to do a brief demonstration on the use of rain barrels. The demo would allow students to identify positive outcomes of using rain barrels such as saving money, reducing energy , and the use of rain water in gardening and other household duties. This would include using smaller items that resemble a drainage pipe, filter(a net to keep larger objects out of water), barrel and hose. I would be using a barrel the size of a soda can and other smaller objects to create a mini rain barrel system. In addition, I have found a few images online that students can pass around to show what rain barrels actually look like. Please let me know what you think of this idea.


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