Saturday, February 20, 2010

Focus Group 2

We had so much fun during our second focus group. Jessica and I asked the kids what things they liked to do outside. Basketball, hopscotch, walking around and talking were some of the responses. We had some really cool responses to the changes that the kids would make to the campus. Painting the school, new playground equipment and new basketball goals were among a few. When we asked about what environmental issues the kids had heard about, we learned the most about the students in our group. Litter was something they all knew was a problem and recycling soda cans. Jessica went on to explain how recycling soda cans is profitable, too. "Going Green" was something that they had heard about and how we needed to use less gasoline. Then we talked about some of the things we could do at the school level to address these issues. Picking up trash, planting trees, making a pond with a bridge and some plants, were some of their ideas. As the kids begin to open up to us, we can understand their needs so much better.


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