Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday's Focus Group

Chris and I were privileged to work with five friendly, talkative and creative students at Friday's focus group. The students showed interest in working with us and happily participated we asked them to draw a picture of their favorite place in the world. Each of the students drew very different pictures, but all of those pictures depicted an outside environment. One student, having recently taken a trip to Memphis, drew a picture of Graceland and remarked about the size of the lawn in front of the building. Another student drew a picture of her engagement with insects at New Orleans' insectarium. She remarked laughingly about how she had eaten bugs. A third student talked about his drawing of Tickfaw National Park, stating emphatically that from the minute he got there he, "never wanted to leave." He stated that he particularly had liked the cyprus trees. The time alloted for the focus group ran out before the final two students had the opportunity to explain their drawings in detail. Briefly, one stated that he had drawn a peaceful place with goats, and the other that she had drawn the aquarium in New Orleans.


Maria Coleman February 6, 2010 at 11:35 AM  

Though I was late, I am still very excited to be doing this project. I have been doing some reading about rain gardens and it seems to me something in which the kids can participate, since the steps don't become really difficult and the maintenance is pretty easy. I'll be able to show you more by Monday.
Thanks for the blog Natalie! It'll be great!

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