Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Farmers Market Week and Beyond!

The farmers market went absolultely great! We had a lot of people (students, faculty, and community) participate and help support these local farmers! I was very suprised to have as many participants in the survery as we did, and a few students even recognized me from speaking to their classes. I would like to thank everyone else in class for doing a tremendous job on this project, and Reconnect for hosting it. I gave 4 presentations the week before the farmers market (2 to Mr. Chauvin's history classes and 2 to Dr. Kleiner's sociology classes). All four went very well, and I am excited to get to see the total number of signatures we recieved.

I have counted the survey, and here are the results (they are going to be very suprising!)...

Question 1: Would you attend a regular farmers market held on campus?
Yes: Students (229); Faculty/Staff (33); Farmers (3); Community (7)
No: Students (11); Faculty/Staff (1); Farmers (0); Community (0)
Not Sure: Students (37); Faculty/Staff (0); Farmers (0); Community (1)
Total Number of Participants: Students (277); Faculty/Staff (34); Farmers (3); Community (8)
Grand Total of Participants: 322

Question 2: Are you in favor of adding more local produce to the university menus, even if it means a slightly higher cost?
Yes: Students (230); Faculty/Staff (32); Farmers (3); Community (6)
No: Students (11); Faculty/Staff (0); Farmers (0); Community (0)
Not Sure: Students (33); Faculty/Staff (2); Farmers (0); Community (2)
Total Number of Participants: Students (274); Faculty/Staff (34); Farmers (3); Community (8)
Grand Total of Participants: 319

Question 3: Do you shop at other area farmers markets?
Yes: Students (145); Faculty/Staff (28); Farmers (3); Community (7)
No: Students (118); Faculty/Staff (4); Farmers (0); Community (1)
Not Sure: Students (14); Faculty/Staff (2); Farmers (0); Community (0)
Total Number of Participants: Students (277); Faculty/Staff (34); Farmers (3); Community (8)
Grand Total of Participants: 322

There seems to be missing data for the second question (3 student responses).


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