Monday, March 29, 2010

Mar 26

Another great session (they seem to be getting better and better)! Even the students who cannot stay for our club are coming to help out during their recess. On Friday we saw those girls coming in droves!!! They all had questions and were interested in what we were saying.

While distributing the pine straw, we had discussions with the students about why muching is important and the reasons we chose to use pine straw. They all listened eagerly. Afterwards, we found some pieces of pine that had fallen from the trees. We showed the students that the straw we used came from these very trees (the importance of nature). Some students mentioned that they can use dried pieces of pine found on the ground to help cover the bottom of their trees. They were all eager to help water the plants and label them with flags. These flags help distinguish where all the trees are planted and make our work look more substantial.

The students love picture time at the end of the sessions. Unfortunately, we didn't have time for our activity. Hopefully we can incorporate it into our next session- rain barrels! One student even mentioned the rain barrels, which shows that they pay attention to us (ha) and care about what we are doing. When time was up, we made sure to let them know that we'll be back and that we'll miss seeing them.


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